Hi, I’m Tommy!!
an artist and kinda just vibing
I'm a factive, which is a fancy way of saying that i'm an alter in a system (think DID or OSDD) that was formed based on a real person; in this case, my source is Tommyinnit! Pog right?
I needed something to like, do, as a hobby, and after Seán started a blog on notion (Seán is another alter, and my husband) I decided it looked like fun!
My personality types are 6w3 and ESFP-T, and I have an intense phobia of thunderstorms, crabs, and bugs. I like bright colours, especially pink (my favourite) and cyan (my second favorite), and cute aesthetics. I think swearing and sex jokes are funny, I play animal crossing religiously, and I think biriyani is one of the best foods in the world.
"ok, what else?"
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Look how cute he is!!! I'm so 🥺
WOAH, you really wanna get to know me!!! that's pog! I can roll w that bestie.
Well, I like to draw (obviously) and usually when I do I listen to music. What music? Well get ready to be hit w the coolest answer in the history of EVER:
indie rock :000 >:DDDD
you might not think that's cool, but I do! and that's what matters >;3 I also like listening to J-pop and some normal pop too (but less like Ariana Grande and more Ricky Montgomery, you know?), and I like video have soundtracks because who doesn't??? a good shop theme or 8-bit tune is enough to get anyone groovin and vibing!!!
Some specific bands and artists I like are: Yorushika, The Happy Fitts, M.A.G.S, Deco*27, Montgomery, Two Door Cinema Club, Nanawoakari, and The Wombats.
ALRIGHT ALRIGHT so I have the coolest and most sexy and awesome and epic music taste, but what ELSE can I tell u about myself? I am sure u have many questions and wonderings wriggling around in your brain meat.
WELL I am short. v short. My source may not be but for whatever reason headspace didn't get the memo, and tbh i am grateful! I can fit in so many small spaces!!! (i'm like...5'3. I could be living in your walls right NOWWWW :0000 !!!!!!??!! I'm not though. or am I? you'll never know. /j) I am so tiny and cute and that is a FUCKING WIN ao poggers :0
I vocal stim a lot, and my biggest BIGGEST pet peeve is being treated like a child. Part of it's my source, and part of it is that we as a whole had a lot of experiences where Special Ed teachers specifically (but also other people) babied and talked down to us in a really patronizing and hurtful way- and when I formed I got all that angst in my poor little mind.
I have the tism and the adhd. Technically everyone does, but like...yea
OH AND I LIKE TO COOK AND BAKE!!! its so much fun, especially when you have one (1) friend in the kitchen to talk to and hang w while you make food!! any more tends to be overwhelming, and sometimes you wanna just be by yourself...but when u wanna have someone to make cookies with, having a little cookie making party is the fucking BOMB, trust me. I am so cool and know everything. This is a Tommy wisdom MOMENT and you should absorb it into your knowledge sphere.
for anything else, well, you'll just have to see my posts!! I'd recommend starting with the draw my life, because you seem to be one curious cookie! Nothing wrong with that btw, I think you are so poggers.