what would happen if we had a comicon event or something but JUST with Tommys (and their SO's or QPP's, because i know firsthand how separation anxiety can get)
and like, AS US being Tommy's, so alters like me are in our headspace forms and kinnies and DAs are also in the forms they see themselves as.
Just hundreds and thousands of Tommy's- and Clementines or other not-named-Tommy-ppl with Tommy sources- all scurrying around a convention space.
Would our source come too??? I kind of hope so.
How many people would get bite-ed? would the more feral Tommys gather in packs while the calmer ones look on in fear with coca-colas in hand??? what would the artist alley be like??? I can picture hundreds of animal crossing plushies and stuffed animals lining the halls, fruits and nuts and berries all arranged in cute charcuterie boards from c!Tommys who foraged and farmed in their spare time, art of ourselves and our friends!! Stickers that just say swear words in big ol letters!!!! Someone embroidered a giant mural of henry onto a quilt and left a tin can to pay respects inside of, now overflowing with money and beads and raccoony nick nacks. The animal hybrid Tommys are scurrying on all fours up and down ladders to grab merchandise, or flying overhead to skip lines. People are selling Tommyinnit merch and photos of very very weird gross expressions and we're all buying them bc haha funny.
There's a giant livestream room where any Tommy can just come in and join the crowd of streamers all screaming in front of the camera for views.
Someone brought a karaoke machine to the food court and now there are rap battles and singing contests.
people are playing bingo with their own source memories and traits and shit, like "ah fuck I actually never played animal crossing and that was the last square i needed for mine- I COULD'VE COMPLETED THIS ROW. have you gotten a bingo yet?" "NO BITCH ALL MY POINTS ARE SCATTERED" "Mine looks like a cock and balls >:D" "OOOOO"
there's a lie detector machine. everyone is using it to come out.
someone made a haunted house style exhibit that's just every Tom Simons vlog
panels like "streaming 101" "how to get primes" "DO YOU GET BITCHES?? NO?? PAY ME MONEY AND I'LL TELL YOU WHY", "how I plan to kill tom nook, a powerpoint presentation".
This thought makes me so happy actually :DDDDD :)))) :0000 :DDDD :0000 :0 :0